(R)evolution of the high-load visual art web encyclopedia


WikiArt.org is an online visual art encyclopedia users can edit. It can boast of more than 120 thousand artworks, up to 2.5 million visits, and about 10 million page views a month.

The encyclopedia operates in seven languages and follows the wiki principle. This means that users can instantly add and edit posts while moderators keep an eye on the changes.

The American Library Association named the project one of the 15 best free reference websites.

Industry: Art
Location: International


The high-load web portal required new functions and increasing solution performance long before our team started working on WikiArt. The existing engine just didn't allow expanding.

The WikiArt team, who were experts in Arts Domain, also had numerous ideas and improvements waiting to be implemented. And on top of that, the portal was in desperate need of design renovation.
"A complex project like that is always riddled with technical problems. The team that was working on it demonstrated top-notch problem-solving skills. In particular, they showed flexibility in solving challenging UX/UI issues. They successfully managed performance at the peak loads after publications on Reddit, as well as constant intensive load caused by search bots. Finally, during the migration to the updated version, the team synced operations of the old and the new solutions. I definitely recommend them."
Ievgen Silin
Co-founder of Wikiart.org


Our cooperation lasted for several years and consisted of two active development phases with a stabilization and maintenance period in between.

Phase 1

In the first phase, we showed our extensive experience in application re-engineering by enhancing and re-designing the web portal's engine.

During this stage, we:
  • Implemented new features that prolong the customer journey, including user interaction functionality and advanced search.
  • Completely re-designed the UX/UI with attention to the user experience on both mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) and large screens.
  • Improved performance through changing the architecture and migrating to the NoSQL database.

Phase 2

The second stage started after a new owner purchased the project and brought many new ideas as well as SEO requirements.

During this stage, we:
  • Implemented new functions, including the video section.
  • Expanded the functionality of tags, and tagged 120,000+ artworks using Google AI.
  • Extended the localization to seven languages by adding Chinese.
  • Put extra effort into SEO optimization, which resulted in doubling monthly visits.

The tools and technologies we used were:

C# ASP .Net back-end
AngularJS front-end
MongoDB replica set
Microsoft SQL server
Amazon Web Services Cloud


Throughout the years of our cooperation, we helped WikiArt become a powerful, modern, best-in-class portal.

The achievements we're most proud of are:
  • Engine performance growth by 30%.
  • Increase of monthly visits from 1.1 to 2.3 million.
  • WikiArt is on the first page of Google search results for art-related queries.

Today, WikiArt is well-known worldwide and recognized as one of the most popular sources of information about art. And we were happy to help it succeed.

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